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This section provides a sample of news coverage of activities of the lab and of Dr. Refinetti.

June 2024 · The Transmitter (New York, NY)

March 2019 · Reason TV with John Stossel (New York, NY)

June 2018 · Nature (London, England)

October 2017 · The Register (London, England)

December 2016 · Quanta Magazine (New York, NY)

September 2015 · Men's Fitness Magazine (New York, NY)

January 2011 · Science Podcast (Washington, DC)

A letter from Dr. Refinetti that was published in Science was featured in Science's 28 January 2011 live broadcast.
To listen to the segment, which eulogizes prolific scientific publishing, click on the play button below. (Duration: 4 minutes)

(Note: if the Media Player console is not visible, click here.)

March 2009 · Veterinary Technician (Yardley, PA)

December 23, 2007 · The Post and Courier (Charleston, South Carolina)

July 24, 2007 · The Press and Standard (Walterboro, South Carolina)

June 30, 2006 · The Press and Standard (Walterboro, South Carolina)

September 23, 2005 · The Baltimore Sun (Baltimore, Maryland)

July 15, 2004 · The Times (University of South Carolina)

April 4, 2004 · Lansing State Journal (Lansing, Michigan)

September 11, 2003 · The Times (University of South Carolina)

January 10, 2003 · The Press and Standard (Walterboro, South Carolina)

December 3, 2002 · The Press and Standard (Walterboro, South Carolina)

October 4, 1995 · William & Mary News (College of William & Mary)

October 19, 1994 · William & Mary News (College of William & Mary)

March 8, 1993 · The Scientist (Philadelphia, Pennsylvania)

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