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This section contains lectures given by Dr. Refinetti. Some are available as slide shows and some as video clips.
Slide Shows
Video Clips
Please choose a video clip:
If your browser is an old Internet Explorer, you may just click on the video's title, wait a minute or so for the file to download, and then click on the "play" icon at the bottom. If you are using any other browser, you may watch the videos on YouTube. Just click on the YouTube icon to the right of the video's title.

Animal Models for the Study of Circadian Rhythms (2021, 32 min)    
Chronotype: A Brief Description (2019, 2 min)    
Circadian Rhythmicity and Homeostasis in Small and Large Mammals (2002, 15 min)    
Trade-Off Between Heat Production and Heat Intake in the Rat (1984, 11 min)    

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