The following is a list of publications by Dr. Refinetti that involved tau-mutant hamsters:

REFINETTI, R. (2014). Relationship between circadian period and body size in the tau-mutant golden hamster.
Canadian Journal of Physiology and Pharmacology 92: 27-33.

REFINETTI, R. (2007). Absence of circadian and photoperiodic conservation of energy expenditure in three rodent species.
Journal of Comparative Physiology B 177: 309-318.

REFINETTI, R. (1998). Influence of early environment on the circadian period of the tau- mutant hamster.
Behavior Genetics 28: 153-158.

REFINETTI, R. and MENAKER, M. (1997). Is energy expenditure in the hamster primarily under homeostatic or circadian control?
Journal of Physiology 501: 449-453.

REFINETTI, R. (1996). Ultradian rhythms of body temperature and locomotor activity in wild- type and tau-mutant hamsters.
Animal Biology 5: 111-115.

MENAKER, M. and REFINETTI, R. (1993). The tau mutation in golden hamsters. In Young, M. (Ed.)
Molecular Genetics of Biological Rhythms. New York: Marcel Dekker, pp. 255-270.

REFINETTI, R. and MENAKER, M. (1993). Independence of heart rate and circadian period in the golden hamster.
American Journal of Physiology 264: R235-R238.

REFINETTI, R. and MENAKER, M. (1992). Evidence for separate control of estrous and circadian periodicity in the golden hamster.
Behavioral and Neural Biology 58: 27-36.

REFINETTI, R. and MENAKER, M. (1992). The circadian rhythm of body temperature of normal and tau-mutant golden hamsters.
Journal of Thermal Biology 17: 129-133.